Monday, April 16, 2012

Crunch Time!!

We have 20 school days until the art show...yikes!
As students complete art projects throughout the year, I frame one project at a time for each class.  I put the framed artwork in the student's homerooms for display until the art show.  This works great---I have a place to store them and the kids love that they are displayed in their rooms.  Just under 200 artworks left to frame!
On top of finishing up all of our projects for the picture frames.  I am also going to attempt to complete a 96 square foot bottle cap mural with all students k-6 in one week.  No pressure!

(Thank you to Fairview's art teacher for the awesome handprint project idea!)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Keep saving bottle caps!

I am attempting to make a bottle cap mural with all of my students K-6!  We are still in the process of collecting them.  Wish me luck!

 This box sits outside of my classroom.  Kids drop bottle caps in it as they collect and bring them in from home.

 On my back counter I have color coded boxes.  When the box outside of my classroom gets full we sort the bottle caps into these boxes.  When the boxes get full I put them in large trash bags in a storage room.  Soon, we plan to take all of these bottle caps and create a mural (every student k-6) to hang in the school for display.  

Taylor separating bottle caps.